Hehehe, last night went for bowling with colleagues. Don't know what luck strike me, suddenly can play quite well and score above 100 points for the first time in my life. Wah, I also cannot believe myself, strike twice in a game, ya hoo. I am the one with initial L.
Then second game time, I thought maybe the luck gone already. I also satisfied with the first game score. I could not imagine that my second game score was higher than the first one. Wow, really if know earlier I go and buy lottery, hahahaha.
But I did get some 'misfortune' after that, lol.. Every good things come with bad.. I knocked my head on my friend's car bonnet after taking my bags. Then knocked my head AGAIN!! T_T on my own car door top part (imagine putting your bag on the car seat then get up)
Then when reached home, I knocked a flower pot (lucky it just moved a lil) and a motor exhaust pipe with my bag -_-'''
Most of us like to travel. But at times, those that cannot be apart with their gadgets and internet will not be willing to travel as they cannot get to do their favorite activities such as surfing the net, playing games, chatting, blogging and more.
Now, with P1 wimax, they can be hassle free where they do not have to carry any extra wires and practically go online at most of the places. With this, I think we can save more energy on asking them to leave their house.Road trip with broadband will definitely live up the trip as we get to search for the route and find the journey on our own through online searching. I think most of the travelers prefer to find their own way, it was said to be more challenging and exciting. I think it is a very good adventurous experience for everyone. I too had such experience except that I need to find the way through print out map which was harder as I cannot get more information out of that.. hahaha
Traveling and online might be useful too for those who want to meet their friends. As they can update their current status and those nearby can also meet up with them when they read the status.
Besides that, we do not need to worry that we might missed out important event in our lives or forgot to pay the bills and such. When we get to online, we can always just access the e-payment and pay the bills without much delays. Further more, we can read emails and get updated information from our friends and family members. We also get to read news and get updated information on the weather forecast so that we can plan our journey better, safer and efficiently.
The followings are video on Project Alpha Season2, don't forget to watch the exciting adventure they had :)
Ep 8/49 - Project Alpha S2
Ep 9/49 - Project Alpha S2
Ep 10/49 - Project Alpha S2
This is an advertorial post for Project Alpha Season 2. Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS
Hehehe.. I'm entering a Baskin Robin Week 3 competition where one is suppose to take photo with the BR product and with something pink in color.
This is my entry : Click Here Please vote for me by liking the photo but first you need to like the Baskin Robin Fan Page.. I am the one holding a pink kitty and making some weird faces... >_< I think it is quite noticable.. the title of my entry is ; With so much sweetness and cuteness, one can go mad
Actually I have more but some usually I ate on the way, so no chance to take photo of them before.. hahaha :P
This satays are from a Malay aunty's stall. So nice.. The 'kuah' she cooked is rich with peanuts and taste so good.. mmmmm...
This dessert is mixed of longan, peaches, 'ai yu ping' (some sort of jelly alike). Sweet and slight sour (lemon taste). Very nice for hot weather time ^_^
I had quite a nice day on last weekend despite the morning was a total busy and chaos morning.
After 4PM, things start to turn for the better. We watched "When In Rome" movie. I find it quite nice. Didn't know that if pick up coins from the fountain can actually make others fall for you :D Hahaha. Kind of scary also to have those stalkers stalking you each day and can enter your house somemore. Luckily none with evil intention. Hehe..
Then played some games at the arcade. I really enjoyed playing the shooting game right now, though I sucks a lot at them ~_~ Cannot even aim properly and shoot, simply shoot only..
Had KFC for my dinner, didn't know got new flavor, the Shrimp nugget, the love shaped one. I find them so-so only.. not really that nice.. I think KFC focus on the 'C' can already.. hehehe
We only managed to eat up to 14plates only.. hahaha.. cannot stuff ourselves anymore, but I took a lot of ebi ^_^ hehehe
After sushi meal, we head home and saw fire by the roadside. Quite big fire, don't know what cause it @_@ Near the roundabout turning to Bayan Lepas there (Queensbay area)
I think many people will like this 'No Strings Attached' phrase. Be it from any angle, one will definitely like it. Some will prefer their relationship to be based on this, where each party will not have to think or consider so much about how they will end up and others. But I think that is not a good idea..
But to apply this one technology is certainly the best. Nowadays, technology has improved so much that many electronic devices go wireless, that is to say 'No strings attached' to them anymore.
I would like to intro about this P1 Wimax. This is another 'No Strings Attached' device where all you have to do is just plug and play and voila, you get to online and browse your favorite website or update your blogs and more. It is just so easy. No need to hassle over the tangled wire or minor accidents done by others. Imagine you are happily browsing, chatting or watching movie when suddenly one accidentally remove the wire.
Now they are offering many types of packages where you can choose from. Check out to see if you are in the coverage area.
Go 'No Strings Attached' now :)
This is an advertorial post for Project Alpha Season 2. Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS
As the title said, this is my belated dinner for V-day. :) Thank you so much for this wonderful dinner >_< but pain at the pocket. I do wonder why they like to build those restaurant at far far place, somemore the winding road, T_T I hate winding road.. I was feeling nausea by the time reach the restaurant.. lucky nothing happen..
I like this photo a lot, don't know why.. hehe..
Yummy chocolate blended
Cheese baked bread
Seafood Kingdom :) Yummy lobster!! My first time having lobster
My name is Samuel,I want to place an order in your store,and I will like to know if you ship to Japan and my method of payment will be credit card. So please let me know if you can assist me with the order,and please do not forget to include your website/price lists in your replying back to my email.I will await your prompt response as soon as you receive this email. Regards, Samuel Moore
I actually replied this person without thinking it is a scam, asking what he wanted and stuff.. But the email when I hit reply is sent to this person instead : Samuel Moore Then he replied me this,
Hello araleling,
Good to read back from you . below are the items I want to order:
Bla Bla Bla.. (I didn't list out the items here)
Concerning the shipment,the likes of UPS,FEDEX and POST OFFICE always don't take care of the charges down here. Charges like handling, customs duties,tax etc. I have experienced such situation before and I don't want to be the victims of such a thing again. I will be glad if you contact this freight forwarder ACCESS LOGISTICS LTD for shipping quote.
The shipping company will arrange the pick-up of my order from your store,so you don't have any stress to face in shipping processing at all.Here is their email address (tk.accesslogistics@gmail.com) ,Not that I can't deal with the shipper directly,but they always prefer to deal with the store where they will be doing the pick up in other to reduce the customs duties and other charges.They have a way of preparing their shipment documents whereby the custom duties payment on this goods will be reduced and if I wanted to pay for the custom duties and other charges, at times it is 40% of the whole package amount.
I do trust ACCESS LOGISTICS LTD,if not I wouldn't have recommend them for my shipment.They are very reliable and fast.They will take care of everything including Handling, Customs duties,Tax, Insurance etc.Contact them to obtain a quote and get back to me in the format bellow:
Once I have these details from you, I will get back to you with my credit card information,so you can charge and make the necessary shipping arrangements. Regards, Samuel Moore NOTE:The freight company will need these 5 informations to get you a quote,so provide them with the details bellow: 1)My Customer's ID # : DFL7240176A 2)Delivery Full Address: HIROSHI INVESTMENT 7th FLOOR 3-24-21, TAKANAWA, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN. 3)Pick Up Full Address : PROVIDE YOUR ADDRESS 4)Weight Of The Consignment : PROVIDE ORDER WEIGHT 5)Momentary Value Of The Consignment : PROVIDE ORDER TOTAL COST
Then I begin to wonder, got such thing one ah? I googled up the company and found their own email address too. (the url : http://www.accesslogistics.co.uk/contact.htm) So I email the scammer email address along with the real company address with the following message,
Dear person in charge,
Hi, I would like to know if you can arrange a shipping from Malaysia to Japan?
Can you give me the quotation for the Handling fee, Customs Duties, Tax, Insurance and etc. ?
The address to deliver is Tokyo, Japan while the pick up package is from Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
Thank you.
Regards, araleling
Then the person reply me quite fast with the following message,
Hello , Thank you for contacting ACCESS LOGISTICS LTD for your service.We appreciate your business, .Yes we pick up anywhere around the globe, we do all the paper works.We logged into our data base with the customer Id # DFL7240176A you provided and we discovered that we have shipped some goods to the ID in the past.We located in London,UK but help private customers in pick up like this.So getting this order to your client won't be a problem.For a shipment moving from Malasia to TOKYO, JAPAN with the total weight and dimension you provided,below is the Standard and Express Shipment Air Freight quote.
Customer ID # : DFL7240176A Express Shipment (3 to 4 days) : $450 Standard Shipment (4 to 7 days): $379
THE FREIGHT COST INCLUDES THE FOLLOWINGS: Collection from your Store Customs clearance documents Customs duties & taxes in Japan Goods full Insurance Inland transit to Japan Door-step delivery to the receiver
Pick up will be made by our Freight Forwarder in your location after payment has been confirmed in our head office.We will need you to provide us with an estimate pick up date and time so that we can schedule a date and time for you before the goods are ready for picked up as we normally have a lot of shipment request.As soon as we receive all necessary information from you we will proceed on the pick up arrangement.
Our terms of payment,although we had an International Bank Account Number (IBAN) with BARCLAYS BANK,but our management has rule it out of our payment method,because we are encountered delay in our shipping services due to the bank-to-bank funds transfer that normally takes 3-5 days for funds to reflect in our account.So presently, we only welcome Western Union Money Transfer, because We are not set up to receive payment via credit card like stores,so you will be expected to send the shipping fees to our accountant through western union money transfer method.So you would have to send us the amount quoted above,so that we can do the pick-up and settle the necessary tax and custom duties on this shipment,this price includes insurance and all their duties & taxes,then we will get back to you with the necessary details.We have greatly reduced the price of this shipment, because of our existing customer ID # DFL7240176A.
For further information,visit our website bellow or don't hesitate to contact me.We looking forward to be of more service to you and your customer.
Thanks, Mathew Brown Customer Care Specialist Access Logistics Ltd. Leyton Business Centre Eltoe Road,Leyton London E10 7BT United Kingdom Tel: +447-024-085594
I was like, wah, I did not tell you the ID also, you some more can know one? I only ask about Japan and Malaysia only. LOL, not so intelligent scammer -_-'''
Before this I got tell my friends also, my friend helped me googled up, playing detective, hehehe. And yeah, this is really a scammer, she managed to find another one with the same Japan address. Lol. So I reply back the scammer with this,
Hi, I have contacted the person. But to my dismay, he said due to some policy, they cannot work out a shipping here. So, I will go with my own shipping method. If you agree please get back to me.
Thank you ;)
Regards, araleling
Kekekeke, I think the scammer also will be wondering did I said that? Lol. After that the real company person email me,
Hi Araleling,
Thanks for your email.
Please do not carry out any business transactions with this customer as they are committing acts of fraud. They are using our company name and address to do this. These people have already tried to target companies in America, New Zealand and Australia.
I stress that Access Logistics (UK) Ltd is a company based only in London and has an office in Mauritius, and no where else. We do not have anyone called Richard Benson, Matthew Benson, Dixon Mark, Joe Bentley, Jessica Harold or anyone with customer reference DFL8941176A/ DFL7240176A (or anything similar) in our company as we are a family business. We do not accept or make any payments via Western Union.
I have already contacted the British Police and filed a report, and I urge you to do the same where you are.
Should the fraudster(s) contact you again please copy me on any emails.
Thanks and kind regards,
Wah, this scammer group actually scam many people already @_@'' Now coming to Malaysia already? -_-'''
I believe that most of us have their favourite sport. Even those who are lazy to go out and play also can have sport that they like and does not require a lot of energy. I think some people dislike sport because they do not like be sweaty and hot. Well, afraid not as Adidas has a solution to that.
Ta-da, apply after shower and you are ready
After this, don't complain that you cannot do anymore sport..
Back to my favourite sport, I enjoy swimming, but I cannot swim well >_< I tried to learn, but somehow I will chicken out.. and swim with weird (wrong) style... so I will swim quite slow.. My friend will be like gone far away but I just swim for about few metres only.. But it is not a bad sport, it uses our hand, leg and body muscle as well, which mean by swimming we will be exercising our whole body.
I also like badminton but I do not like it when people smash me.. I am not good to counter their attack! Some might even play with you just to annoy you ~_~
Anyway those are my favourite sports. Sports are good but do not over exercise too :) Cheers~~
This is an advertorial post for Project Alpha Season 2. Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS