2010 is ending soon and this year I think I accomplished more than 2009.
I finally went to one of the Disney land and enjoyed being a 'small kid' again, so fun wondering the wonderland and play and snap to my content. I actually brought Marmalade along too, not sure how many round he can last still.. need to find a long lasting material to make him @_@
Maybe consider making a bigger version of Marmalade and Tiple next time.. but I think it will be super funny to bring them out taking photo XD
My e-shop is doing better than 2009, hope it will be even better for 2011, although that means less sleep but it is nice when my design got acknowledge but let's hope it is acknowledge for a good reason ~_~
At work, many things happened.. I learned a lot this year.. mostly on how to become a human.. guess life is a never ending experience.. but it also helped me realize something too, and I am officially clear of that thing which is very good!
But this year, I got fatter too, thanks to all the good food I ate, LOL, but.. but... oh well.. -_-
no comment! Should I made a fatter version of Tiple? :P
Bought a hard disc, I rarely buy stuff for myself, even my HPs were passed down from my aunt, as they told me do not buy this kind of gadget.. ah.. Now should treasure my new hard disc, means I no need to delete movies after watching to store more =)
As for 2011 goals.. I guess I do have something to look for now even though usually I don't set any goals as I cannot think of anything..
Hope my weight, fat percentage will not increase anymore
Hope my e-shop sales will get better and better
Hope to go to another place next year
Hope to draw and blog more (I know I did not draw Marmalade and Tiple nowadays.. gone crazy with sewing)
Hope to come out with more designs for my craft
Hope to avoid more conflict next year
Hope to control my hungry-bad-mood-suddenly-temper (which is very hard to control unless no one is around that time and talk something or do anything that can irritate me). How to control when hungry till can shake and stuck with something that cannot solve easily, oh well. Must bring chocolate, snacks with me all the time now
Hope to get a new camera, been eyeing camera model like the one my cousin using, so nice! Most of the photos taken during the HK trip is from her camera =D Sure will look nice when taking photos for my craft, hohoho
I think that's all for now =X kinda a lot also.. aiks..
So what is your 2011 resolution? Don't forget to drop by sometimes ya! Hehehe
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 days ago
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